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How Bad Do You Want It? (Success) HD

When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful

This is a classic workout motivation video with over 30 million views, which makes it by far one the most viewed motivational video in this section. The video features a running back from East Caroline Giavanni Ruffin training. Narrating the video is a speech by Eric Thomas (AKA The Hip Hop Preacher). One element that makes this video so powerful is that Giavanni is consumed by his mission to become a better football player, which is highlighted by all the different places he trains (at the beach, on some fields, at the track, in the gym etc.) Tremendous focus and effort necessary to truly be the best you can be.

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I was Disgusted With What I Saw

This former marine dropped 61 lbs. in just three months and got his life back.

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

Nick Vujicic - No arms no legs no worries - look at yourself after watching this!

From “Porker Pat” to “Iron Gimp”

Crippled by three strokes, “Porker Pat” Quinn lost over 100 pounds, learned to walk again, and now uses his amazing story to help others.

The Law Of Gym (No Pain No Gain) [HD]

Get motivated by Arnold Schwarzenegger - getting motivated and never stopping until you succeed!