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No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

Nick Vujicic - No arms no legs no worries - look at yourself after watching this!

Nick Vunicic is a true inspiration; he has no arms or legs, but makes the most of his life as a brilliant motivational speaker and active sports and fitness enthusiast. Next time you are feeling sorry for yourself after a long day, think of Nick.

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How Bad Do You Want It? (Success) HD

When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful

From “Porker Pat” to “Iron Gimp”

Crippled by three strokes, “Porker Pat” Quinn lost over 100 pounds, learned to walk again, and now uses his amazing story to help others.

Zumba Transformed My Body--I lost 90 Pounds and Counting!

Natombi Simpson believed that she'd never be less than a size 24. Now she's a size 8!

Powerful Inspirational true story-Do not give up!

When you don't give up..You cannot fail!!