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Running and Yoga Helped Me Conquer Breast Cancer

How a young woman conquered Breast Cancer with running and yoga!

Name: Jen Embry, 31

The Crisis: "I was diagnosed with with Stage IA breast cancer when I was 26, after finding a small tumor was near the surface of my breast."

The Change: After an initial positive prognosis from her doctors, things took a turn for the worse. Jen's cancer had spread, and she faced a five-year survival rate of less than 25 percent. "I began researching everything I could find and came across information about Gerson Therapy, which is basically cancer treatment through nutrition. I began a vegan diet and focused on my fitness. I started weight lifting to help maintain my bone mass, running to increase my energy, and yoga to help with my depression."

The Cure: "Cancer destroys your body from the inside out. I had days (and weeks) where I could barely make it to the bathroom, let alone go to work. Running really helped with my energy. When I started, I could barely run for one minute, but less than one month after I got the official remission announcement from my doctor, I ran my first half marathon. I was also dealing with anxiety and depression. Yoga really helped me through those days when I thought I just couldn't go on."

Jen's Tip: "Your health is one of the most important things in your life, and you really need to make time for it. I was too busy with things that ultimately didn't matter to take care of myself, and I believe that's probably why I wound up with cancer."


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