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Controlling Sugar Cravings

Sugar cravings are a big reason for people to gain weight. Learn how to curb your sugar cravings.

A common problem among body builders is sugar craving! This can happen for many reasons, but there are two likely reasons. The first is a sugar addiction – or 'sweet tooth' as commonly said. The second is that once the body fat drops below 6%, the body is likely to crave more sugar. There are many ways to combat the craving, some of which are detailed below.


First – Try to keep sugar out of your diet as much as possible. Just as energy creates energy -- sugar creates the craving for more sugar. Next, avoid eating foods that contain high fructose corn syrup because your brain doesn't get that "I'm full" message when you consume high fructose corn syrup. Start reading those labels!


Second – What most people tend to avoid – eat vegetables as much as possible during the day. Many people consume sugar in the hopes that it will give them more energy. Sugar will give you that extra energy -- for a few minutes, before the crash comes. Vegetables, on the other hand, contain fiber, which helps to keep you feeling full. It also aids in digestion and will increase your metabolism.


Third - Eat more food that you chew, and fewer foods that you drink. Protein shakes are great, and provide lots of minerals and nutrients that you need, but you need real food as well. Eating real food not only keeps you feeling full for a longer time but the body also works harder to digest solid food than it does the liquid – thereby increasing your metabolism.


Fourth - Stabilize your blood sugar levels with supplements. Chromium picolinate, alpha lipoic acid, and flaxseed oil are great for accomplishing this. Take 200 mcg of chromium during your first meal of the day, and then take 100 to 300 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid during all other meals, as well as 1 to 2 tbsp of flaxseed oil during those meals. Make sure you consult your doctor before taking any dietary supplements!


Fifth - Finally, drink plenty of water. This will not only help you to feel full, but will also prevent cravings that come about when one is becoming dehydrated. Dehydration is a big culprit behind sugar cravings!

Good Luck! You are sweet can definitely do away with the sweets!

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